NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Ignas Pavliukevičius Emerging artist

Ignas Pavliukevičius

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

2017 – 2019 MA at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Photography and media art department

2013 – 2017 BA at the Royal Academy of Arts, Interactive/Media/Design department

14.06.2019 – 20.07.2019T Meno Celės 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania

13.12.2018 – 25.01.2019 In collaboration with Julijonas Urbonas, 3D simulation for exhibition Planet of People at Gallery Vartai, Vilnius, Lithuania

10.07.2018 – 16.07.2018 Tallinn Art Week 2018, “Cathedral for Technology”, Tallinn, Estonia

25.01.2018 – 02.02.2018 Group show „/prɒkˈsiːmɪks/ (proksemika*)“ at „Sodų 4“, Vilnius, Lithuania

11.12.2017 Talk on a radio show LRT OPUS, “be problemų”, Vilnius, Lithuania

30.11.2017 Performance at “Artificial Intelligence Group Meetup #3”, Vilnius, Lithuania

07.12.2017 – 16.12.2017 Media Art Friesland Festival 2017,  Young Master Awards, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

14.09.2017 Zefir7, BNO Kring Groot Den Haag In cooperation with Stroom Den Haag, The Netherlands

04.08.2017 ArtyParty, Gallery Melkweg Expo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

30.06.2017 – 06.07.2017 Winner of the Royal Academy Bachelor Department Award: Interactive/Media/Design at Graduation Festival 2017, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, The Netherlands


What the other I want by Ignas Pavliukevičius
What the other I want  
100 x 100 cm

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