NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Ieva Sikirkinaitė

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

In Ieva Sikirkinaitė final BA project she analyses night not only as time of day but as state of consciousness too. Night is submissive to the manipulation of form more organically and evidently than day which, by exposing the details in daylight, prevents from the opportunity to play with details differently than the visual dictates. This is the ‘quality’ of night she is trying to manipulate in her paintings. Mostly she chooses large format canvases so the viewer would be usurped by dark tones and would start to miss colors. Paintings are linked by their incompleteness it’s symbolic link to dreams because sometimes she uses her dreams as inspiration for paintings. In her collection “dark mode” she is trying to convey her world of emotions, to show nihilistic side of life and she invites to doubt if there always is light at the end of the tunnel. Her works were shown in exhibitions: 2016 m. „Reformacija“ , VDA gallery „Krematoriumas“. 2018 m. „Suplanuotas ekspromtas “, art inkubator. 2018 m. „Meno menės“, Panemunė’s castel. 2019 m. “Marina 2019” Jurmala City Museum


sky limbs by Ieva Sikirkinaitė
sky limbs  
118 x 69 cm
Runway by Ieva Sikirkinaitė
123 x 100 cm
Sky made of cold beet soup by Ieva Sikirkinaitė
Sky made of cold beet soup  
100 x 100 cm
Path by Ieva Sikirkinaitė
110 x 130 cm
Klaipėda in fog by Ieva Sikirkinaitė
Klaipėda in fog  
80 x 92 cm

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