NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Dominyka Čiplytė

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

Artist was born in Vilnius, finished BA and MA in Vilnius Art Academy in the Photography and Media Art department. During BA studies she did exchange in Rotterdam Willem de Kooning academy, in the mixed program of Photography and Fine Arts. Dominyka had also an internship in Venice Biennale 2019, an award winning Lithuanian pavilion – performed and worked as an invigilator in “Sun&Sea (Marina)”.

Her BA project “Fear No More”, is performative showings in gallery “Academy” also in Kaunas Artists’ House, also her MA process with the walking performance “St.Artist” in Gallery Weekend Kaunas 19, radio show and final MA project execution in the gallery “Atletika” in Vilnius. Some of her artistic ways are not separate from singing poetry contests, writing, cultural engagement with the project “Lithuania in Israel”, curated by her teacher, esseist and public figure Vytautas Toleikis. She also work with art education in the cinema theatre “Pasaka”, also as a photography teacher in Vilnius St. Christopher gymnasium.


St. Artist. A Narrow Path and the Artist’s Pressures amongst the Art and the Religious Communities by Dominyka Čiplytė
St. Artist. A Narrow Path and the Artist’s Pressures amongst the Art and the Religious Communities  
800 x 200 cm
St. Artists by Dominyka Čiplytė
St. Artists  
999 x 999 cm


Tik ėjimas/Just walking by Dominyka Čiplytė
Tik ėjimas/Just walking  
100 x 100 cm
Antena / Antenna by Dominyka Čiplytė
Antena / Antenna  
100 x 100 cm

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