NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Kristina Maselskytė

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

1999 VDA KDF Bachelor degree of Textile 2019 – Master degree of Arts, KDF, VAA. „Nr. 12 – No. 14 “.Exhibited in the “Post” Gallery. Rated excellent, characterizedas extremely ambiguous. Since 1998 active participation in art and fashion events 1998 fashion event “Silhouettes” – designer’s collection of clothes 1999 Daily Fashion Week – presented exclusive collection of clothes. Created in a mystical spirit, where designer’s originaltechnique of printing of fabrics was used (first time in Lithuania), as well as applications. 2000 Daily Fashion Week – Presentation of innovative collection 1999 Kaunas Picture Gallery – Exhibition “Trip to Taj Mahal” 2000-2005 – active participation in events “Fashion Infection”.2000 presentation of conceptual three-colored clothing collection – presented as an exhibit of items 2002 C&D Style Furniture Collection – Presenting an innovative concept in three colored furniture designs. CAC – 14 collections presented on different fashion events in Lithuania such as exclusive avant-garde festival and Vilnius Opera and Ballet Theater. 2015 “6 K” – collection of accessories 2018 event “18 + 18”. Vision of presentation of Kaunas city.Participating in creating the vision of the city in cooperation with architects and public. 2018 – “Gallery Weekend” – photography exhibition “City Cliffs” 2018 “Post” Gallery – performance “What Artists Do”. I am interested in constant exploration and capturing of urban space. While studying in VDA KDF I got interested in the idea of conceptual ​​art developed in matter, motion, sound and video.


Nr.12 Nr.14 by Kristina Maselskytė
Nr.12 Nr.14  
75 x 75 cm

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