NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

An exhibition “Cosmic Existence” at Den Frie Centre for Contemporary Art in Copenhagen presents the artworks of four Latvian artists Ieva Balode, Kristaps Epners, Viktors Timofejevs and Arturs Virtmanis. The exhibition addresses a multitude of existential themes like consciousness, infinity, spirituality, technology, nature, the cosmos, utopias, mythologies.

The exhibition at Den Frie Centre for Contemporary Art, a must see in Copenhagen for anyone interested in art and architecture, explores human existence from a cosmic perspective, opening an infinite, utopian realm that transcends the limits of human categories and existence. What happens when we dissolve concepts like the body and time? When death is no longer inevitable? All conventional thinking is abolished to make way for radical mutations and anarchistic evolutions. The exhibition addresses a multitude of existential themes like consciousness, infinity, spirituality, technology, nature, the cosmos, utopias, mythologies and life and death.

Take a look at the photo gallery of the opening event of “Cosmic Existence” by Margarita Ogoļceva (Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, 2019).

“Cosmic Existence” is the first one of “Unexpected Encounters” – a research and exhibition project that explores the relationship between science fiction, art and processes in society, initiated by the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art. The title of the project is borrowed from the name of a collection of science fiction novels by the eponymous Soviet science fiction writers Strugatsky brothers, as published in Riga, in 1987.

Mapping the pivotal characteristics of the last decade, it is hard to imagine a greater contrast between the unprecedented technological progress and the equally rapid development of socio-political processes towards the right-wing conservatism. Our societies experience those changes manifested as growing nationalism, intolerance towards migration, a new wave of populism, all this – paralleled with rapid technological development, nomadic start-up cultures and ongoing innovation.

As in the various contradictory points in history, there is a growing interest in science fiction, which offers both advanced utopias and frightening dystopian scenarios. “Unexpected Encounters” thus focuses on the utopias offered by science fiction that especially address issues such as gender inequality and threatening ecological disasters imagining more feminist, queer and ecologically sustainable futures.

“Unexpected Encounters” is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, Embassy of Canada in Riga, Culture Capital Foundation, Riga City Council, “Copy Pro”. “Unexpected Encounters” is one of the events of Latvia’s Centenary Celebrations.