NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

In the second half of January, it is possible to see the magnificent exhibition "110 Sunsets" in Rakvere Gallery, it's the aftermath of Richard Sagrits' 110th birthday.

The paintings of Richard Sagrits (1910 -1968) still speak to us today with their freshness and mastery, even timelessness. The great life of a great artist is full of dense paintings, everyday painting, and a passionate artist’s soul.

Sagrits paints Karepa’s nature and cityscapes with great love and skill, but his portraits and acts are also exciting. After the war (1940-50s), close communication between artists and social life was important. The rapidly changing life also brought new understandings of art.

In Sagritsa’s works, it is all there. Painting and practicing art gave him real freedom – freedom for the soul. Sagrits shows a genuine master class in his works, he is like a conductor in front of an orchestra, where all the colors blend beautifully. This is how his thousands of works were completed until 1968. Richard Sagrits ‘works come from the art collection of the Virumaa Museums Foundation, where a large part of Sagrits’ work is preserved. Riho Hütt, the curator of the exhibition, presents his selection of Sagrits’ works.

Gallery name: Rakvere Gallery

Address: Pikk tn 15, Rakvere

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 12:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 14:00

Open: 19.01.2021 - 17.02.2021