NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The exhibition presents the ’Gold Fund’ of Algirdas Lukštas work housed at the M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art. These are watercolours executed in a classical wet technique – that is what we recognize and remember. The other part of the exhibition is comprised of the works from private collection. These are sketches and diaries in one, created during the summer camps or while travelling around Lithuania. Alongside are displayed his last works (which he did not even sign), one of such “The Gausta Hill” created in Norway in 1992, the country where the artist’s heart stopped beating.

A. Lukštas. Clouds over the lake. 1971

In the world of art, A. Lukštas stands out for the uniqueness and mastery of watercolour painting. Carrying on the traditions of the classics, he had deserved a proper place beside his teachers Kajetonas Sklėrius and Česlovas Kontrimas. Captivating sights of Lithuanian countryside conveyed by means of picturesquely subtle watercolour technique had never ceased raising admiration among lovers of art. The painter’s exclusive skill at watercolour technique resulted in a perfect expression of various states and moods of nature, especially in a variety of views featuring the sky over the lake, which was one of his favourite motifs.

A. Lukštas. Green landscape. 1981

A. Lukštas was a charismatic personality with unique qualities of a pedagogue. For us he will always remain a human legend, a painter, an educator of such outstanding artists as Pranas Repšys, Mindaugas Skudutis, Solomonas Tetelbaumas and others. Everyone who studied ar Kaunas Juozas Naujalis Art School (now Kaunas Art Gymnasium) or at Children’s Evening School of Art (now it is known as Antanas Martinaitis School of Art) was endowed with profound imprints on their worldview.

Curator of the exhibition Gintautas Vaičys

Gallery name: A. Žmuidzinavičius Creations and Collections Museum / Devils Museum

Address: V. Putvinskio str. 64, Kaunas

Opening hours: Tue, Fri 11:00 - 17:00, Thu 11:00 - 19:00, Sat-Sun 10:00 - 17:00

Open: 02.04.2021 - 25.04.2021