NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

With the exhibition "Meelesurfar" we celebrate the jubilee of the artist Andrus Joonas, we reflect his creative activity of the last 27 years and we pay attention to his (artistic) philosophy and perception of the world. The exhibition hall becomes the artist's personal space, with large-format paintings and installations and performances that have received a lot of criticism and attention.

The whole exhibition refers to the process of infinite art that the artist is exposed to, and its end is where it once began. In a quarter of a century, has a new beginning arrived for the creator? Or is it the end?

The exhibition is dedicated to the artist’s ancestors, who traveled to the expanses of Tsarist Russia in the 19th century in search of the Promised Land and the White Ship. Some reached Siberia, some by the Black Sea.

Andrus Joonas (1970) is a performance, installation and painting artist residing in Pärnu and ignoring the hierarchical systems of society. He began his artistic career in 1995 with monumental road exhibitions that highlighted him as an Art Brut artist. He is known for his invented concept Aledoia flower painting series, paintings and performances by the Yellow Wolf.

The exhibition includes lectures, authoritative workshops and workshops on contemporary art.

The show is recommended for 16+. Children and kindergarten and school groups should come with an escort or parents. The exhibition has ambiguous topics that may need further explanation.

Gallery name: Pärnu Museum

Address: Aida 3, Pärnu

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10:00 - 18:00

Open: 13.02.2021 - 11.04.2021