NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

This time, the main keywords of the Estonian Glass Artists' Association annual event are vibrations, waves, resonance. The title of the exhibition brings together a wide range of interpretations of oscillations, waves, and other related phenomena, both in society and in nature, and their external and internal influences on the environment.

What kind of phenomena or oscillation artists sing with and collide with? What influences trigger chaos and which ones are resonated? What is Resonance? Etc. These are the questions that Estonian glass artists are trying to find answers to at this year’s exhibition.

The exhibit consists mainly of glass objects and installations, most of which have been created specifically for this exhibition.


Gallery name: Vana-Võromaa Museum and Art Gallery

Address: Katariina 11, Võru

Opening hours: Wed-Sun 11:00 - 18:00

Open: 17.08.2019 - 29.09.2019