NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The playful exhibition of Tartu Nature House invites you to notice living beings that we do not always notice, and to take care of the plants and animals living in the city. The exhibition introduces a person's natural neighbors in the city and provides food for thought about the values ​​of the living environment and home. What living environment have we created for ourselves as well as for plants and animals?

The exhibition has been completed in collaboration with natural and creative people. For a good living environment to work, it is necessary to take into account each other’s needs. “We need to understand the value of nature in the urban environment. If there is nature in the city, then it is more pleasant for a person to live there, because a person is a part of nature – even if we tend to forget it, ”says the exhibition coordinator Annelie Ehlvest.

The exhibition introduces various topics related to urban nature: urban formation, development and environmental problems; the city as an artificial community; living conditions of animals and plants in the city; different habitats: gardens, parks, cemeteries, alleys, natural and ornamental waters; attitudes of animal and plant species towards human activity or hemerobicity. You can check the register of city residents and play various games. The exhibition can be viewed briefly, but it is also possible to delve deeper with the completion of worksheets, tasks and games. Notice nature and take care of it!

Rein Kuresoo, Epp Margna, Veljo Runnel, Liina Margna, Toomas Kalve, Eleonora Kampe, Peeter Laurits, Leelo Laurits, Paavo Pedmanson, Kati Naarits, Liina Tuulik, Arne Ader, Lea Tuvikene, Urmas Tartes have contributed to the completion of the exhibition with advice and strength. Aivo Tamm, Sulev Kuuse, Arvi Tragel, Vello Liiv, Vallo Kalamees, Merike Linnamägi, Liis Sipsaka, Val Rajasaar, Mart Jüssi, Mari Jüssi, Janika Ruusmaa, Kersti Sõgel, Tiina Viiol, Kalju Eit, Eva-Liisa Orula, Anneli Ehlvest, Helle Kont, Sirje Janikson, Ene Örd, Jaanus Elts and others.

Gallery name: Valga Muuseum

Address: Vabaduse 8, Valga

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 15:00

Open: 04.05.2021 - 30.05.2021