NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Series, 2020

999 x 999 cm

In the series ARCANUM artist concentrated on the secret of what is behind the curtains. Their fluttering, movement, verticality and obscurity always makes one wonder about a secret that would never be unveiled – what is behind them? This must be the most sacred and intimate symbol, noticeable everyday. A space where you can keep secrets. At times when we can learn so much by simply doing a quick research on the internet it is incredibly useful to submerge into the experiences that are important only to your own self, and also giving yourself in the secret which you would never reveal. I can only sense that this secret has something to do with privacy, corporeality and mutual relation. All the works were exhibited in the exhibition in Užutrakis Manor Estate, 2020.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Diptych - Ieva Tulaitė
100 x 80 cm
The One - Ieva Tulaitė
The One  
200 x 220 cm


Red Velvet - Ieva Tulaitė
Red Velvet  
110 x 130 cm