NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

In Hirvitalo Contemporary Art Center of Pispala Toomas Kuusing is exhibiting oil paintings and graphic art (linocuts) covering the period 2015-2019. The scenes depicted on the graphics and paintings of Toomas Kuusing usually constitute staged fantasies with an initial impulse coming from real life.

At first glance it may seem like some visual absurdity, however, the themes and scenes depicted are serious, topical and/or disquieting in nature. To keep them from becoming too dark or morbid, they have a fair amount of humor that spans from naive jokes to cutting grotesque, irony and social critique. A common thread running through Kuusing’s work is an abundance of detail, both in his graphic art as well as paintings.

Gallery name: Hirvitalo Contemporary Art Center of Pispala

Address: Hirvikatu 10, Tampere

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 14:00 - 19:00

Open: 30.11.2019 - 22.12.2019